Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dilemmatic situation

I read this in a sequel of a book, where the writer expresses his worries about the success of it. His reasons of worries were: if the sequel turns out to be like the 1st one; you will be blamed “you are a one-trick pony."
 And if the sequel turns out totally different; then you will asked” this is supposed to be a sequel, did you forgot that? “

But incidents in life are not sequel of a book, are they? 

Imagine a situation where you have done a thing once and after few years it happens again, a creepy thought might arise “it is happening again” and questions like “does it suppose to be like the previous one or it should be different?". Your mind automatically tunes into that frequency, where you start comparing the two scenarios. You don’t want to.... but you can’t help it.

image credits here

Sometimes your steps might tremble when you know there’s nothing wrong but still.

Let’s imagine another situation where you had a bad encounter with a person but you somehow dealt with it, but after few years you stand before that same bank. 
It may happen that the bank this time, is protected and the tides are not strong either. But your heart never listens to you and it orders your mind to sow  a negative thinking.

And together they betray you, again ?

1 people noticed.:

Anonymous said...

confused soul............
life cannot betray twice, it can


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